BETTER oil heating bitumen tank
The tank is designed with a heating system that uses oil as a heat transfer fluid to heat the bitumen inside the tank. The heating system can be powered by various sources, including electricity, natural gas, o...
Чингэлэгтэй асфальт холих үйлдвэр
Контейнерт асфальт холих үйлдвэр нь янз бүрийн барилгын талбайд хялбар, хурдан тээвэрлэхэд зориулагдсан асфальт холих үйлдвэр юм. Энэ төрлийн үйлдвэр нь чингэлэгийн бүтцэд баригдсан бөгөөд энэ нь шаардлагатай бүх эд а...
Преимущества асфальтосмесительного завода
Асфальтобетонные заводы – это процесс производства технологических продуктов, используемых на асфальтовых заводах. Другими словами, асфальтобетонный завод представляет собой производственный процесс укладки, смешивани...
Top 10 companies in the world for asphalt mixing plants
Top 10 companies in the world for asphalt mixing plants
Astec Industries, Inc.
Macron Group (MARINI S.p.A.)
Total Group (TOTAL S.A.)
Ammann Group
Fresney Rhodes Group (Fayat Group)
Waterworth Engineering (Wirtgen Grou...
What are the two types of asphalt plants
What are the two types of asphalt plants
There are two main types of asphalt mixing plants: mobile asphalt mixing plants and stationary asphalt mixing plants.
Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant
That is, the silo and mixing...
Asphalt prices rise
First, the price of asphalt is open and transparent; the second is to provide effective risk management tools for asphalt enterprises to meet the needs of enterprises to avoid risks, help users avoid the risk of chan...